Erik Pauser works as a director, producer, and artist. He has produced and directed a series of full-length international documentaries along with several short films. His works, both films and art, often revolve around social issues and historical processes and has been shown in TV, cinemas and art venues all over the world. His base is Stockholm.
Erik Pauser’s works have been exhibited in Europe, Asia, and the United States. He has held solo shows at venues such as Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Norrköpings konstmuseum, Färgfabriken, Gävle konstcenter, and the Living Art Museum Reykjavik. Erik Pauser’s works have been exhibited in Europe, Asia, and the United States. He has held solo shows at venues such as Göteborgs Konsthall, Norrköpings konstmuseum, Färgfabriken, Gävle konstcenter, and the Living Art Museum Reykjavik. His works have been shown at ICA, London, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Dokumenta Kassel, Stedelijk museum, Amsterdam, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Nordic Art Center, Helsingfors, ZKM Museum fur Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco among others.
Amp film is headed by producer, director, and artist Erik Pauser. The company was founded 2009 when Erik Pauser and Dylan Williams decided to team up and create a production company that would act as a hub whereby, they could collaborate with a wide net of artists, photographers, musicians and filmmakers in order to produce storytelling of the highest quality. Stories told by way of creative documentaries, fiction films and visual exhibitions. Also see MORE and
Erik Pauser’s films have been broadcast on television and showcased in cinemas in over 100 countries, earning several awards. In several instances, the films have also been presented in installation formats. He has also engaged in collaborations involving stage performances, live acts, and sound compositions. He collaborated with Michael von Hausswolff under the name Phauss, along with Leif Elggren, Cecilia Parsberg, Johanna Ekström, and a number of other artists and filmmakers. Together with Johan Söderberg, he produced and directed ”Information is Free” and ”Electronic Pollution,” two compilations of Lucky People Center videos. He also directed the feature film ”Lucky People Center International,” which was produced by Lars Jönsson and Memfis Film. Erik Pauser served as an executive producer for the English feature film ”Swimming with Men,” which premiered in July 2018 in 100 cinemas across the UK. The films have received awards from festivals such as Festival Film du Vert, Silverdocs, Los Angeles Film Festival, Fest in Moscow, Supetar Film Festival in Croatia, FICA Brazil, San Francisco International Film Festival, Nordisk Panorama (best experimental film), Special Mention – Prix D´Italia, and more. He was nominated for Best European TV Documentary at Prix Europa and The Grierson Award in the United Kingdom.
A selection of exhibitions and art projects 1981-2021
(For films see FILM)
Dalslands Konstmuseum — Life on This Planet
Installation with Leif Elggren and CM von Hausswolff
Opens March 8 2025
Östergötlands museum
The Return – 53 Living and Dead Artists
Återkomsten — 53 levande och döda konstnärer (Swedish title)
Participant and curator of the exhibition with Leif Elggren.
November 23 2024 — August 31 2025
Studio 44, Nutopia/New City – Thomas Utopia
Hangaren, Subtopia in Botkyrka – Lekquiem
100 children dance to Mozart’s Requiem
Documentary sound composition.
Anno Museum, Elverum, Norge, Finnskogen
Borås konstmuseum, Rodney King Generation
Värmlands Museum Karlstad, Finnskogen
Swiss national museum, Zurich
LiU, Norrköping, A Place in Europe
Stockholm School of Business, A Place in Europe
Stora Torget Karlstad, A Place in Europe
Open Art, Örebro, A Place in Europe
Museumsquartier, Wien, Dance of Urgency
Odenplan, A Place in Europe
(Re) construction of friendship- Former KGB headquarters Riga,
Latvia BASE
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, The Machine, Screening
Litteraturens hus Gothenburg, The Machine, Screening
ZKM Museum fur neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, The name is
Burroughs, Phauss Alamut, Screening
Annenberg Theater, Palm Springs. Men Who Swim, Screening
Angeredsteatern Göteborg The Face of the Enemy (One person exhibition)
Norrköpings Konstmuseum The Face of the Enemy (One person exhibition)
Kalmar Konstmuseum, Svensk Konceptkonst
Dansens Hus Curtain Call Performance. Collaborative work with among other:
Sasha Waltz and guests, Davide Camplani, Edivaldo Ernesto, Mata Sakka, Yael Schnell,
Sasa Queliz, Zaratiana Randrianantenaina, Jirì Bartovanec, Julie Atlas Muz,
Joanna Dudley, Matanicola (Nicola Mascia, Matan Zamir), Manuel Perez Torres,
Valeria Apicella, Brian Gothong Tan, Willi Bopp, Lotta Melin, SU-EN, Guds Söner (Leif Elggren, Kent Tankred), Kenneth Kvarnström,
Ossi Niskala, Rasmus Ölme, Lars Bethke, Sandra Medina, Leif Jordansson, Tomas Hallonsten, Bebe Risenfors,
Benjamin Quigley, Anna Ardelius, Charlotte Engelkes
Ars Electronica (video
Tänd Mörkret. (Contiuned tour) Jamtli, Jämtlands länsmuseum, Konsthallen Luleå
Världskulturmuseet Gothenburg
Take Action / Amp with Lars Siltberg and Johannes Anyuru
Göteborgs Konstmuseum. Millesgården, Stockholm, Växjö Konsthall, Ystad
konstmuseum, Länsmuseet Gävleborg, Tänd
Mörkret. Phauss Alger Lagos 1983-2007
Stadsteatern Söderhamn, The Two Faces of Roman Martinez (One person exhibition)
Canzani Gallery, Columbus College of Art & Design Columbus, OH Prophets of deceit
CCA Wattis institute for contemporary arts, San Francisco, Prophets of deceit.
Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, To Rachel
Fadayat, Hangar Media Lab, Barcelona
Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Pineapple videobar
Konsthallen Göteborg The Two Faces of Roman Martinez (One person exhibition)
Nordatlantens Brygge, BASE Köpenhamn. With spessi. (One person exhibition)
The Womad festival, UK, screening
Berlin design pool, Berlin
Malmö konsthall, To Rachel
Konst i skåne, Mamö, To Rachel
Dunkers kulturhus, Helsingborg, Projekt Konst TV
Snow White and the Ambassador 55 min. video
Documenta Madrid, screening
Danish Television DR2, screening
Vera. Åland, screening
LENS POLITICA – Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki
Human Rights Nights Film Festival, Cineteca di Bologna, Bolonga, Italy
Snow White and the Ambassador 55 min. video
Swedish Television SVT 2
IDFA Amsterdam, screening.
Kasseler Dokumentar Film und Videofest.
Kinolab Centrum Sztuki Wspotczesnej Warzaw Poland, LPC International, screening.
Big Chill, Ledbury, UK screening.
To Rachel 2003, video, 20 min
Southern Exposure San Francisco, screening.
Ramallha, Palestine, screening.
AAO Gallery, Tokyo, screening.
Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland, BASE installation with Spessi, (one person exhibition)
Kulturhuset ,Stockholm, Bildmuseet, Umeå, screening and presentation of The Wall project (film and website). With
Cecilia Parsberg, Ana Valdes, Torbjörn Johansson.
Fylkingen, Stockholm. A two projector version of The Two Faces of Roman Martinez was shown as part of Elektrolys
by Thomas Liljenberg and Leif Elggren.
Olle Olsson huset, Solna, Sweden, Strategies of moments installation with Johanna Ekström (one person exhibition)
Chiangmai University Art Museum, Thailand, Eukabeuk Events, (screening)
Centre Culturel Suedois, Paris, L´intrus, installation with Johanna Ekström (one person exhibition)
Dansens hus stockholm, Brott, dance / performance for five dancers.
With Johanna Ekström and Björn Elisson.
Norrköpings Konstmuseum, screening.
Moderna museet, Stockholm, screening.
ICA, London, screening Lucky People Center International
Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Brott installation. With Johanna Ekström (one person exhibition)
Bildmuseet Umeå, Brott, installation. (one person exhibition)
Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Brott, installation. (one person exhibition)
Graz media and Architecture Biennial, Graz, Austria, screening.
Museum Ludwig Cologne, Germany, Digitale 99, screening.
Berschouwburg, Brussles, Belgium
Gävle konsthall, Brott, installation (one person exhibition)
IASPIS International studio program, Stockholm, What do we know about fear.
Stedelijk museum Amsterdam, World wide Video Festival, video presentation and screening.
Lucky People Center Live, Live concert, live video mixing. Images filmed in connection with LPC International. Custom
built videosampler. Performances in Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Canada. With Johan Söderberg, Jean Louis Huhta,
Fridjon Rafnsson, Simon Hartley.
Sali Gia gallery, London, The bible of Networking
Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Iceland, In the Flesh, videoinstallation with Johan Söderberg
Documenta X, Kassel, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Bouschouwburg,
Brussles, Participates with videos as part of the installation ”Prends garde! A jouer au fantome on le devient” by Herman
Asselbergs and Johan Grimonprez. (With Johan Söderberg)
Johannesburg Biennale, South Africa, Elgaland Vargaland
Uppsala Konstmuseum, Sweden, Elgaland Vargaland
Gallery W 139, Amsterdam, Holland, Bring your own walkman
Ateneum, Helsingfors, Finland
Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden Hundred years of film, videoinstallation, The Power of film
Statens museum för kunst, Copenhagen Art & video in Europe.
Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden Breaking Eyes, (with Cecilia Parsberg)
Nordic Art Center Sveaborg, Helsingfors, Finland Breaking Eyes, (with Cecilia Parsberg)
Galleri Muu, Helsingfors, Finland, screening
Galleri Forum, Mamö, Deathmachine (With Johan Söderberg)
Galleri Index, 1995, Stockholm, Sweden, videoinstallation Vietnam Hello Bye Bye OK, (one person exhibition)
Galleri Otso, Helsingfors, Finland videoinstallation Vietnam Hello Bye Bye OK (with Cecilia Parsberg)
Fields, Zurich, A night at the show, videoinstallation and screening Vietnam Hello Bye Bye OK (with Cecilia Parsberg)
Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden New Swedish videoart, screening
Rum för aktuell konst, Gothenburg, Sweden, Useless Man, videoinstallation, He She
Galleri Mors Mössa, Gothenburg, The Pyramid
Baltic Art Meeting, video-screening, various sites, Malmö.
Konsthallen Göteborg Overground World Expo 1993 Resting Place/Fountain for Genghis Khan, with CM von
Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project) Every man and every woman is a star, installation, (at the same exhibition)
Riga Multimediacentre, Riga, Latvia, video-screening.
Rix Linköpings konsthall, Linköping, Sweden. Be Connected, screening
The Kitchen, New York, screening.
Frölunda Kulturhus, Gothenburg, Monitor, video-screening.
Unga Atalante, Göteborg, Pumpehuset, Köpenhamn, Lysverket, Oslo.
Will of The Triumph , Tour. Live-installation with CM von Hausswolff and Bråm Åångström. (* A Phauss project)
Fylkingen, Stockholm, Unga Atalante, Göteborg, Konsthallen, Gävle, Galleri Brage (annex), Umeå
Elektronmusikfestivalen, Skinnskatteberg
Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Art and (mass)media
Videoinstallation, Its Still Cloudy in Saudi Arabia, with Johan Söderberg.
Performance tour. With CM von Hausswolff, sound Andrew McKenzie, (* A Phauss project)
Zaal 100, Amsterdam’, Holland, Willemeen, Arnhem, Holland
Sporthallen (Elektronmusik Festivalen), Skinnskatteberg, Lysverket, Oslo, Norge, Nothing But The Truth (Aftermath)
Kungsträdgården, Stockholm, The Stockholm Electronic Music Festival and Rådhusplatsen, Gävle Klangspel
installation, Godtphauss. With CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project)
Galleri Mors Mössa, Göteborg, Skulptörernas Natt, installation, Nya Sverige. With CM von Hausswolff . (* A Phauss
Nothing But The Truth, performance/audio/video. Tour. With CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project)Also with Hafler
Trio, Zbigniew Karkowski and Johan Söderberg. Kingston Gallery, Boston, CBGBs, New York City, Agora, Cleveland
Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Lower Links, Chicago, Planet Earth, Knoxville, Club Dada, Dallas, Commerce Street
Artists Warehouse, Houston, MexicArte Museum, Austin, Gallery X, Phoenix, Union Mutialista Hall, Los Angeles,
Kennel Club, San Francisco, Kaleidoscope, San Francisco, Melody Lane, Portland, Incubator, Seattle.
Fylkingen, Stockholm, Multiplex, Eternal Love #2 Installation, with CM von Hausswolff
Bergrummet Nya Varvet, Göteborg, Knogjärn 90, Phauss Goes To The Mountains In Search For The Gold, Installation.
With CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project)
Konsthall Alka, Linköping, Hembygd, installation with CM von Hausswolff and Leif Elggren. (* A Phauss project)
Lido, Stockholm Kåren, Göteborg, Poetry Art Festival, performance, Hafiz Phauss. With CM von Hausswolff
(* A Phauss project)
Galleri Mors Mössa, Göteborg, We’re Not Able To Realize Your Order, installation. With CM von Hausswolff.
(* A Phauss project) computer programming by Ulf Bilting. (one person exhibition)
Sandvikens Stadspark Sandviken, Multimedia festival , audio/video, Rache. With CM von Hausswolff and Bo
Wieslander. (* A Phauss project)
Muzeum Nadwislanskie Art Meeting, Kazimierz Dolny, Polen, live-installation. Polen 11-21.4 1989. With CM von
Hausswolff, guest Henryk Lipp. (* A Phauss project)
Fylkingen Stockholm, Trashmusic III , Folklore, video/audio/performance. With CM von Hausswolff, guests, Jesper
Eklöv, Nils Wohlrabe, Helena Eriksson . (* A Phauss project)
Philipssons gamla bilhall, Stockholm, KAM, Stolen Book of Keys, With CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project )
Sporthallen, Skinnskatteberg, Elektronmusikfestival, Prodrome #2 (Videodrome) Installation, with CM von Hausswolff,
guests J L Huhta, J Söderberg.(* A Phauss project
Radium 226.05/Frölunda Kulturhus, Göteborg, Monitor -87, Installation. Prodrome #1 (Videodrome) With CM von
Hausswolff.(* A Phauss project) (One person exhibition)
A Jorney Through The World part II (Zürich-Zürich 1986), Research project with CM von Hausswolff. Schweiz, Syrien,
Libanon, Iran, Pakistan, Indien, Thailand, Filippinerna, USA, Feb-June. (* A Phauss project)
Rotor, Göteborg , International Art Video Exhibition
Galleri Japan Göteborg , Bilder från de första timmarna…With CM von Hausswolff and Göran Ekmark. (* A Phauss
USF Bergen, Norge, Effigiatus Homo Dues Signatur In Auro., live-installation with CM von Hausswolff, Jean Louis Huhta, Göran Ekmark. (* A Phauss project)
VHS Kunststation Kleinssassen, West Germany
Ny Scen, Göteborg PHAUSS Goes West, With CM von Hausswolff, sound: Max Mikael Book. (* A Phauss project)
DNA fabrik Göteborg, Stunt – North Europe 1984, Performance with CM von Hausswolff guest Johan Söderberg and two
homeless men engaged on the street outside. (* A Phauss project)
Galleri Mors Mössa, Göteborg, Something that is bigger than it is (Nunquam Minus Solus Quam Cum Solus/Control)
Action/installation. With CM von Hausswolff, Thomas Liljenberg, Leif Elggren
Grand Hotel, Stockholm We rent a room but we don’t live in it, Action / project. With CM von Hausswolff, Leif Elggren,
Thomas Liljenberg)
Ny Scen/Sprängkullen, Göteborg, Cadeaux – West Africa 1983, Performance with CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss
Sveaborg, Helsingfors, Finland, Interferens, work within Elektrolys II by Leif Elggren and Thomas Liljenberg
A Jorney Through The World, part I (Alger-Lagos 1983). Travelproject with CM von HausswolffSverige, Tyskland,
Frankrike Spanien, Marocko, Algeria, Niger, Benin, Nigeria Feb-May. (* A Phauss project)
Lukasgalleriet/Gamla Vattentornet Nutida Musikvecka , Linköping. Music for four bodies , installation, Studium.
Integrated with work by CM von Hausswolf, Leif Elggren, Thomas Liljenberg.
Open House, Graz, Österrike. Piece I Slides /audio, with CM von Hausswolff. (* A Phauss project)
Galleri Mors Mössa, Göteborg. Action/installation. Constant work during 48 hours. With CM von Hausswolff, Thomas
Liljenberg, Leif Elggren
Vavd,Vavd, Seven days outdoor project with CM von Hausswolff, Peter Andersson, Leif Isebring
Galleri D.S, Göteborg. Food for the straving Installation. With CM von Hausswolff (* A Phauss project) (One person exhibition)
Galleri D.S, Göteborg, The Lumberjacks dream Installation. With CM von Hausswolff, guest: Sven Eric Johanson (* A Phauss project) (One person exhibition)
* Phauss is the name of a project by Erik Pauser and CM von Hausswolff.
Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Längmanska Cultural Foundation, Olof Palme Memorial Fund, Framtidens kultur, Kulturbryggan, Ford Foundation, Doc Society, Bertha Foundation, Britdoc, Influence Film Foundation, Fritt Ord Foundation and others
Selected discography
GodTphauss, CD (Silent Records, San Francisco).
Radiator (for Amanita Muscaria and Mark McCloud) composition on the CD 50 Years of Sunshine (Silent Records,
’San Francisco).
Hafiz Phauss composition on the CD Arcana Caelestia (Multimood Records, Gothenburg).
Final Folklore composition on the CD Phauss / Karkowski / Bilting
(Silent Records, San Francisco).
Nya Sverige – Nothing But The Truth CD and picture documentation (Anckarström, Gothenburg).
Moving Towards The Sun (Strong Strain & Beautiful Results) composition on the CD Apo Mikhanis Music (Ano
Kato, Thessaloniki, Greece).
Supreme Bliss (She Killed Them All And They Liked It) composition on the CD This Infernal Love Of Life
(TOPYScan, Stockholm).
Phauss Audiodrome LP (Radium 226.05 Records, Gothenburg).
The Gallery of Water / The Tower of Water 7” single, a Phauss & Firework project with CM von Hausswolff, Thomas Liljenberg, Leif Elggren, (Radium 226.05 Records, Gothenburg, re-released 1990.